Welcome to Hoopers Loop Welcome to Hoopers Loop Welcome to Hoopers Loop
About Hoopers Loop
Founded in October 2019 by Wumi Agunbiade, Hoopers Loop has been in constant transformation to meet the needs of young girls in basketball. Originally, Hoopers Loop provided exposure for young girls, highlighting their on-court talent. Due to COVID-19, we pivoted to an online curriculum with a focus on personal development and community-building.
We are excited to begin a new chapter by merging Hoopers Loop’s past and present to build a bigger, better, and brighter future for female-identifying student-athletes.
Before we announce our new membership program, please see our current available services below.

Who would benefit from this service?
• Student-athletes (grades 7 to 12)
• Parents or Guardians
What can you expect?
• Personalized consultations to understand and help clarify the goals and aspirations of the student-athlete
• Guidance on creating an impressive athletic and academic portfolio for post-secondary recruitment
How are consulting sessions conducted?
• 45 minute sessions via Zoom or by phone, whichever your prefer.
$45 | Contact hoopersloop@gmail.com for booking inquiries.
Who would benefit from this service?
• Student-athletes (grades 7 to 12)
What can you expect?
• You must provide a recording of an up-to-date full game that best captures your game (offense and defense)
• You will receive personalized feedback on your level of play
• You will receive recommendations fore areas of improvement
How are Mindfulness Training sessions conducted?
• 45 minute sessions via Zoom or by phone, whichever your prefer.
$60 | Contact hoopersloop@gmail.com for booking inquiries.
Who would benefit from this service?
• Student-athletes (grades 7 to 12)
What can you expect?
• Guidance and tools to optimize performance
• Recommendations on how to manage pressure and anxiety
How are Mindfulness Training sessions conducted?
• 45 minute sessions via Zoom or by phone, whichever your prefer.
$45 | Contact hoopersloop@gmail.com for booking inquiries.
Who would benefit from this service?
• Student-athletes (grades 7 to 12)
• Parents or Guardians
What can you expect?
• Personalized consultations to understand and help clarify the goals and aspirations of the student-athlete
• Guidance on creating an impressive athletic and academic portfolio for post-secondary recruitment
How are consulting sessions conducted?
• 45 minute sessions via Zoom or by phone, whichever your prefer.